Technological group design is the performance of actions of the same type with a group of wells at the mouth of one field.
A working design can thus be developed for the construction of a group of wells located on one well pad or on one area as a group working draft.
Group designs development can be carried out with the following common factors:
- well designation (prospecting, exploration, production, special);
- design depths in the wellbore. It is allowed to include wells that deviate from the average depth of working draft within ± 400 m (for directional drilling and horizontal wells - ± 500 m with a horizontal section not exceeding 300 m);
- well structures - the same diameters of casing strings and their number (without directions). The length deviation of casing string from that provided for in the working draft shall not exceed ± 400 m (for directional drilling and horizontal wells - ± 500 m);
- the density of drilling fluid differs from that provided for in working draft within ± 0.2 g / cm³;
- mining and geological conditions;
- environmental conditions.
Where necessary, appropriate design decisions and estimates should be drawn up.
СThe construction of each subsequent well in a group design should be based on the experience of the previous wells.
SHYNDAU LLP has a successfully completed group for technological group project.