Bridge type structures are divided into several large groups depending on the purpose and type. Each group has its own individual characteristics, which are necessarily taken into account by SHYNDAU LLP employees during preparation of design documentation. Design estimates development for bridges construction begins with the receipt of technical assignment.
The Customer specifies the data on the construction scheme, throughput and maximum loads in it. We develop designs for rail, road, combined and pedestrian overhead bridges. We carry out calculation of metal span for pedestrian bridge.
Our Company will quickly develop for you SS, RCS and SVSiU for span structures and pillars; we will develop designs for pedestrian crossings glazings, design of bridges, design of spans in the shortest possible time and at the best prices. During design documentation development for the construction of a railway bridge, industry regulations are taken into account, the final product fully complies with internal regulatory documents and existing state standards. Road bridges are calculated according to maximum loads and throughput. Specific engineering solutions, manufacturing materials and installation technologies are selected for these technical conditions.