Theoil pipeline s an engineering construction of pipeline transport, designed to transport oil to the consumer. There are trunk and field pipelines. The main oil pipelines are divided into four classes depending on the diameter:
I — 1000—1200 mm
II — 500—1000 mm
III — 300—500 mm
IV — less than 300 mm
During reconstruction and new construction of linear facilities (including roads of all categories), re-laying or protection of oil pipelines is necessary, in light of which SHYNDAU LLP. Design Institute performs work on development of this project documentation. It is carried out in conjunction with carrying out a complex of engineering-geological, engineering-geodesic and a number of other surveys.
Considering the fact that the objects of petroleum products transportation are hazardous production facilities, SHYNDAU LLP specialists are certified for the right to design such facilities.
The main pipelines, as a rule, are laid underground. In exceptional cases, pipelines may be laid on the surface of the earth in embankments (above ground) or on supports (above ground). Such gaskets are allowed in deserts, mountains, marshes, on permafrost and unstable soils, on transitions through natural and artificial obstacles. Pipeline installation is carried out singly or as part of parallel pipelines in a common technical corridor. The number of threads in the technical corridor is regulated by maximum amount of total volume of the transported product.
SHYNDAU LLP specialists take into account the influence of electrochemical corrosion on it when designing oil pipelines. Passive and active means and methods are used to protect them. Insulating coatings are used as a passive agent, and electrochemical protection is among the active methods.