“SHYNDAU” LLP applies the most appliances and equipment, instruments and tools.
Leyka TRS1200 tachymeter, GPS RTK-Receiver – surveying instrument, GLONASS, Leica_TS09, TrimbleR10, together with all accessories, С.А.Т. and Genny – Cable Avoidance Tools for utility lines’ detection – cables and pipes; computer software is fully updated.
Advanced technologies, including scanners, printers, copy machines and plotters, allow performing activities in time and with a high quality.
The Company is equipped with reliable transport means for intended purposes: Toyota HightLux off-road vehicle, as well as specifically equipped vehicle with vibrating drilling unit set up – AVB-2M.
Our laboratory
Licensed laboratory intended for indication of physical and mechanical soil characteristics, which data is required for design and survey works. Compression Machine (GT 1.1.4) for soil samples’ testing by compression method in accordance with GOST 12248-96, GOST 23161-78, GOST 24143-80. Preliminary Compaction Device (GT 1.2.5) is intended for preliminary compaction of soil samples under impact of normal pressure before their testing for single-plane cut under consolidated-drained scheme in accordance with GOST 1248-96. Single-plane cut installation (GT 0.2.1) for soil samples’ testing by single-plane method appliance with a target speed of cut strains in accordance with GOST 12248-96 being a part of "ASIS-1".
All testing data is transferred into measuring and computing system – “ASIS-G”.
Our computer-based workshop is equipped with the latest operating systems and office applications: Windows Seven professional, Microsoft Office 2007. Design Drawings are developed using licensed AUTODESK Manufacturer’s software: Autodesk Autocad 2012, Autodesk Revit Architecture 2012, Autodesk Revit Structure 2012, Autodesk Revit МЕР 2012, Autodesk Civil 3D 2012. Design and Estimation Works are carried out using the latest versions of ACS software. Environmental maintenance of Projects is carried out in innovative software complex obtained from Russian Manufacturer – “Logos Plus” SPE LLC. Display Works are carried out in software programs: Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw. Project Data Base Preservation is ensured with automatic archiving software: Cobian Backup.